What is this site?

EFRONELA.COM is an independent weather forecast provider. It is your personal advisor to tell you what to wear based on the weather now and in a few coming hours. You click on our page, allow us to share your location and we show you Efronela and Thomas in an outfit for today.

Privacy protection

Don't be afraid. We do not collect any sensitive personal information or share your traces to any social network. We don't ask for e-mail nor require any account.

If you share your current location, we use it just to provide best matching forecast. We keep anonymous data of site visits for statistical purpose.

Cookies are small pieces of data stored by website in your browser, used generally to remember you and your choices. We use these cookies for

  1. polls voting
  2. 3rd party advertisment (the only source of our income)


To express tremendous delight of EFRONELA.COM website, you can write us e-mail to ilove@efronela.com.

Negative feedback or complains concerning weather forecast mail to unfortunatelyiamnotsohappy@efronela.com.

Data sources

Weather conditions are calculated as a combination of multiple forecast services. Currently we use following sources:

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